Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Diet Craze

So without going into too much squishy detail, I'll just say that some creature moved into my stomach and was forcefully rejecting everything I put in. I named it Mary Kate, which I suppose wasn't very nice of me.

Thanks to Mary Kate, I didn't eat a solid meal between Wednesday night and Saturday evening. I practiced with rice, a bagel sandwich, and an egg, but for three days? Blargh. SO thanks to Danish Christmas lunch #2, my first real meal consisted of:

laks (pronounced roughly like 'lox) which, I found out, is actually RAW salmon with herbs around the edge. It's eaten on bread with dill dressing as a starter, and is quite tasty.

roasted ham


'brown potato' = baking potatoes (but small) cooked normally but then set to glaze/dwell in a suger/butter/caramelly concoction that tastes wonderful, but pairs interestingly with the starchy whiteness of potatoes. I don't quite know that it was my favorite way to do potatoes, but it was really neat to see them done sweet. It was like sweet potato without the sweet potato. Also: they looked kinda like sweet and sour chicken pieces.


Risalamande - traditional Danish christmas dessert. It's a kind of rice pudding with chopped almonds - a really neat interaction of textures! You top it with tart cherry sauce. Yum!

AND I kept it all down! That, in itself, was an accomplishment. I also would bet that I've lost weight, but probably not healthfully. Although thanks to all the fluids that I was shooting through my system, I'm probably a little more flushed now than I was Tuesday. Not that I'd recommend MK as a diet or cleanser.

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